
Wednesday 22 November 2017

Film Festival Day

Walt: using descriptive language

Dear organizers and helpers thank you guys so much for helping us to look after the little one’s and helping our school get to the movies.

The manaiakalani film festival is just schools going to the movies to watch movies that every classroom has made. If you see a manaiakalani film festival movie it will entertain  you because all movies are like a little play and it is cool so check it out.

My favorite part about the movies was watching room seven’s movie because it was cool it was all about time travel or as we call it the Time Machine our movie was all about this boy who did something wrong very wrong so he ran into a room.

Next year i’m hoping to see new movies and not the same. I hope we have a great day there nothing else to say I hope I get new partners because everybody needs a new partner or new partners right?

I enjoyed room seven’s movie it was perfect I really liked it. I learned that when you do something wrong don’t run away just make it right with the person that you sent something mean or you did something mean so just make it right with them.

Today we are learning about well we are not learning we are writing a thank you letter to all of the  helper's that have helped us when we went  to the movies to watch or school movies.

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