
Thursday 16 November 2017

Athletics day

Walt: using descriptive language

Dear helpers thank you so much for taking your time off to come and help do our athletics day I wish you a great day I hope you are feeling well today have a good day today.

Athletics day is a kind of sport that has a lot of things that you can do but it is a lot of fun. There is sprint's taga war and a lot more actives and you can have a lot of fun.`
My favorite part was when we did taga war and sprint’s it was very fun doing Athletics and when we started taga war Mr E picked two group’s and the two groups were green and red so some of the yellow group was going for green and some were going for red. Then the next two groups went up and it was the yellow and blue and the yellow came second and green came first.      
Next year my goal is to encourage the yellow team and hoping that they come at least second or third. I hope that we will get better and better at Athletics and hoping that it will help us to get fit and play hard.

I enjoyed taga war and sprint’s. I learnt that getting better at something means you get better and better. You will keep on getting better until you are a an adult and you will have fun.

Today we are doing some writing and we have to chose Athletics day or the Film Festival so I picked Athletics day and this is my writing about Athletics.

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