
Wednesday 24 January 2018

Chilling at home.

Today my mum and sister went to Tamaki College to get my sister's uniform, when they were doing that me and my brother were at home with our Nana. When our Nana went outside my brother Lincoln went to set up the ps4 but while he was doing that I was blogging doing this learning and telling what I am doing today so after that we just watched one movie and then our Nana went outside to do somethings. When our Nana was outside I watched some movies on putlocker and the movies that I watched was Hansel And Gretel and Home Alone, the movies that we watched was cool I liked them. I am watching a movie and blogging at the same time but it is getting hotter every minute so I go to the freezer and stay there for a bit and then I got cold so I sat down and watched the movie. After blogging I am going to make a presentation and post it.

Learning to blog at home while my mum and dad is at work.     

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Santana,

    It's great to see that you are blogging over the summer while your parents are at work. It's a great way to practice your reading and writing before you head back to school. I hope that you'll continue to blog over the year. I'm sure that Mrs Sio and Mrs Salu will help you and encourage you to continue with your reading and your writing.

    I'll look forward to seeing you and your lovely teachers when I come into Pt England school early in the term to hand out the certificates and prizes for the Summer Learning Journey programme.

    See you soon!

